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    Since its establishment, Haikang company has always adhered to the tenet of "dedicating to the development of pharmaceutical industry and ensuring the safety of people"s medication", adhered to the business philosophy of "integrity as the foundation, quality as the survival, innovation as the development", adhered to the quality policy of "scientific management, careful manufacturing, high-quality service, pursuit of excellence", and all employees worked hard with one heart and one mind to compete in the fierce market In the struggle, we should overcome difficulties, forge ahead bravely and keep growing.
    Looking forward to the future, we are 100 times confident that all employees of the company will continue to concentrate, forge ahead actively, seize opportunities, continue to develop and innovate, and compose a more magnificent new chapter of Haikang company.
    地址:泊頭市四營經濟開發區  郵編:062151  電話:0317-8041666
    滄州??邓幱冒b有限公司   冀ICP備19001172號-2http://www.miibeian.gov.cn/

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